Did I forget anything? Did I forget to do something. It doesn't appear that I forgot anything nor does it appear that I forgot to do something. Cool. Then I can kick back and relax. Wait. I remember that I did forget something and I did forget to do something. I know what it is. I know. The answer has finally been revealed to me. It can finally be known to one and all. I wasn't able to mow the lawn yesterday because it was raining and then it appeared to have stopped raining when it was really raining almost nearly non-stop at various levels of intensity. As a result, I wasn't able to mow the lawn yesterday and promised myself to mow the lawn today. So it finally will be known. I forgot the mow the lawn and I need to start mowing the lawn. Thank GOD I remembered such a crucial piece of information while I still had the chance. Who knows what mischief would occur on the planet Earth if I forgot to mow the lawn. And as I'm lost in thought during the opening days of Autumn, here are some photos of Hispanic born actress Cara Santana.